Thursday, January 14, 2010

Blog 016 | Soil Problems & Solutions

Describe 3 soil problems and 3 solutions.

1. High Salinity (Soluble Salts)
Chemical drought due to plants being unable to extract water.
- Adequate drainage with a clean source of water inorder to wash the salts from the soil and adding organic matter to improve drainage.
- Flood Irrigation

2. High pH (Alkaline Soil)
- Lack of Nutrient
- Iron Deficiency
- I
nterveinal Cholorosis.

- Adding sulfur to soil.
- Using acidifying fertilizers such as ammonium sulfate and other products with labels that indicate an acidic reaction in the soil.
- Raising plant beds in a sandy medium amended with peat moss or another source of acidic organic matter.

3. Drainage
- Growth Problems

- Water Stress
- Root Disease
- Iron Deficiency

- Inspecting soil before planting.
- Install subsurface tile drains.
- Amending the soil with organic matter.
- Installing vertical drains in planting holes.
- Constructing raised (for poor drainage) or sunken (for excessive drainage) beds.
- Mixing layered soils.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Blog 015 | Human Footprints

Name three things you learned from the human footprint DVD.
1. 4.5 trees to make kid's pampers
2. 43,371 cans of soda are used in a day
3. 716 pounds of plastic used in a day

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Blog 014 | Soil Preservation

Why is soil preservation possibly more critical than saving endangered species or finding other energy sources. Be sure to explain what will happen (interconnections) if too much soil is ruined.

Soil preservation may be more substantial than saving an endangered species or discovering new energy sources because soil is the birth giver to plants and crops. Without soil, nature and livestock would not exist, because most livestock are herbivores or omnivores. Livestock is essential to our survival, therefore, without them, we will not have meat. Our diets would be unhealthy and unbalanced without any fruits or vegetables as well. Soil also plays an important part in farming and harvesting because it filters out water from pesticides and unnatural toxins that deteriorate our bodies.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Blog 013 | The Green Revolution

Is the Green Revolution good or bad? Support your position.

I do not support the green revolution because it encouraged more pesticide usage which is extremely damaging to our health, and our environment especially to the youth. The green revolution is not necessary to innovate agriculture because organic farmers can do the same thing without the usage of pesticides and other toxic chemicals.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Blog 012 | Food Safety Policies (SPECIAL BLOG - 200 pts)

In several paragraphs write your own food safety policy/law for the US. Describe the problem, describe your solution and why it will work. Be sure to include incentives (rewards) and sanctions (penalties) for your new policy.

01. Meats that have been distributed before have been diagnosed with unsanitary problems and a variety of diseases. Therefore, to prevent further health problems, all raw meat items such as beef, pork, and poultry is required to be inspected by 5 special food departments before being released into markets and other food stores. All cooked meat items must be inspected by 3 special food departments before being released for sale. If this plan is put into progress, there will be lesser amount of people suffering from diseases such as mad cow disease, E. Coli, Blue-Tongue Disease, Salmonella, Pig's Disease (PMWS), Bird Flu, Listeriosis, Shellfish poisoning, Pre-eclampsia.

02. All diary products must be pasteurized twice for 2 seconds under the temperature of 138°C (280°F). Eggs must be inspected twice through special diary food departments. This should reduce the risk of contamination of Campylobacter, Escherichia oli, Listeria, Salmonella and Yersinia.

03. Pesticides are not only toxic to insects, but they are also toxic to humans especially to children as well; it is cancer-related and may cause brain or nerve damage, developmental problems, and hormone interference. In order to lessen food intoxication, the level food pesticides on fruits and vegetables must be decreased to prevent health issues and to have a more "real" and tastier taste.

04. Home owners should start growing their own fruits and vegetables in their own backyard to ensure the safety of foods. That way, they not only do they have healthy, organic food, but are also able to save big bucks.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Blog 011 | Cooking Precautions

What are some precautions to take to prevent food borne diseases?

  • Always make sure that the food you purchase, raw or cooked, is from a safe source.
  • Check all food and drinks for expiration dates if they have one.
  • Use a thermometer make sure food is cooked. Do not rely on the meat's color to indicate if the hamburger is completely cooked.
  • Do not use your bare hands to touch food while it is being cooked, be sure to use the proper cooking/kitchen utensils.
  • Protect any exposed body parts by wearing gloves or an apron when cooking.
  • Wash your hands (fingers, palm and nails) with soap and rinse thoroughly under warm running water; especially after handling any type of raw meat.
  • Clean any food preparation surface (plates, cutting boards, counter tops, etc.) or cooking utensils after every different food use.
  • Make sure all meats are cooked adequately, well-done, or at least medium; especially when eating out.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Blog 010 | Lower Biotic Potential

Describe 3 factors that lower biotic potential.

1. Supply of various resources (i.e. food, shelter, water)
2. Predators and parasites

3. Diseases

4. Pollution

5. Habitat loss

6. Natural phenomena (i.e. hurricanes, landslides, earthquakes, droughts)

7. Birth Rates:
- Number of offspring produced each time.
- Period of time between birth events.

- Age at which reproduction begins.

- Ratio of females to males in the population.