Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Blog 005 | Weak vs. Strong

Some animals like dinosaurs seem awesome yet are extinct others like cockroaches seem to be everywhere. If some animals and plants are individually stronger why is it weaker animals and plants thrive?

Every prey has it's predator and every predator has it's prey. All animals have a weakness no matter how strong it may be; it also depends on the situation they're in, their luck and survival of the fittest.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Blog 003 | Endangered Species!

What is an endangered species that you think we need to save?

We need to save our ocean animals which include the great white sharks. Although they are protected in some areas, international adequate protection is not available and people continue to hunt them for their teeth and haws which are sold on the black market. Great whites are now considered vulnerable because of the overfishing in certain areas. Link:

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Blog 004 | Important Figures

Of the various people in Chapter 3, who is the most important to the history of environmental science? Why?

John Muir, because he influenced into developing the Yosemite and Sequoia National Parks in California who also founded the Sierra Club, a national conservation organization that is still active on a range og environmental issues.