Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Blog 002 | Chaos, Order, and Complexity

Define and explain the differences between chaotic, orderly and complex. Give an example of each.

Chaos is the opposite of orderly, it is based on great disorder and confusion whereas orderly means to be arranged in sequence
accordingly. Complexity can be based on chaos or order, however, complexity is characterized by an intricate arrangement of parts.
World population may be characterized by chaotic; DNA and blood cell configuration may be described as orderly as well as complex.

Blog 001 | Environmental Science & Other Sciences

How is environmental science different from other science like biology and chemistry? (Hint: think of the chaos theory and systems.)

Environmental science is actually: biology + ecology + geology + chemistry
+ geography + physics + economics + sociology + cultural anthropology +natural resources management +agriculture + engineering + law + politics + ethics combined; while biology is only about "the science of life or living matter in all its forms and phenomena..." and chemistry is generally about "the science that deals with the composition and properties of substances and various elementary forms of matter."

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Create Blog | Fractals

Fractals are geometrical or physical structures that consists of different shapes, dimensions and flow that create an irregular pattern of imagery.